How you view the world will largely determine your place in it and your ability to either move through your challenges, or remain stymied. If you see the glass of life as half empty, you will be greatly hindered. If you see the world as a glass half full, then you will see greater success. You have belief, one of the most powerful things on earth! Belief creates vision, resilience and ignites our power from within!

The opposite of positive is negativity or depression. Scientifically speaking, when you are depressed, you fall into "cognitive narrowing". Simply stated, when you are depressed, your IQ drops temporarily. This falls under the topics of behavioral economics, which are often used by major marketing corporations to target their offerings to consumers. When the neurons are sparking in your brain and spirit, you enter into a state of "aspirational mind". where you gain "cognitive expansion," particularly on the right side of your brain where hope, aspiration, and dreams live. Through cognitive expansion you temporarily achieve an 1Q increase. In summary, negativity can lead to a poverty state of mind, an increasing hopelessness and faithlessness, can easily send you to a future of increasing economic despair.

It becomes a cycle like other cycles feeding itself, adding fuel to an already strained existence. For example, think of the many single household families working long hours, with bad role models in a bad environment, a defeated sense of self-esteem, battered dreams, and overflowing bills. Without a positive outlook, darkness will certainly come.

In a scientific study conducted by Dr. Jennifer Crocker, college freshmen were asked to identify their goals for the school year.

They fell in two segments: achievement goals and contribution goals. Most students claimed both types of goals, but different types of goals were dominant in different students. Students were placed in two groups depending on which goal was dominant for them. The study results were formulated after one year. It measured social factors, physical factors and cognitive factors.

The investigation found that contribution goals, or the extent to which students focused on contributing to others, were significantly more predictive of success on each dimension (social, physiological, and cognitive outcomes) than achievement goals.

Similar studies in multiple sclerosis patients showed the value of contribution for healing and positive health. In one study, half of the patient participants were assigned to receive a phone call each week in which another person expressed love, support, and concern to them. The other half of the patients were assigned to place a weekly phone call to someone in which they offered love, support, and concern to that person. At the end of the period, patients were assessed on five factors: well-being, self-efficacy, physical activity, hope, and depression. There was a (times eight) difference between the two groups. Patients who placed the positive calls were eight times healthier on the five measured outcomes than patients who received the calls. Positive energy is significantly enhanced when we incorporate generosity and gratitude.

Our brains are filled with over 100 billion neurons, that are jammed packed with amazingly powerful potential. The brain is an incredible organ that has enabled us to create technological breakthroughs and build massive civilizations. Our human mind is a very powerful tool, and if we use it wisely, it is a wonderful servant!

The challenging side to the brain is it never stops making internal noise. Our brains evolved when humans had to remain constantly vigilant for safety reasons, so its neurons fire constantly. The pre-modern brain we live with was designed to keep us alive. It sends warning signals even when there is no sign of danger. creating needless worries. How often have we openly witnessed this with our family or friends? Our brain is trained to look for danger. So it will communicate to us many things that are not necessarily helpful to us in modern-day life. It chatters away endlessly. Similar to money, the mind can be a great servant or it can be a bad master. It is important to recognize the chatter, in order to prosper from the positive, while eliminating the negative.

Replace the negative useless thoughts with powerful affirmations! We have a choice, to allow the negative brain chatter to dominate our internal dialogue or fill that space with something that serves us in a positive manner!