We believe that the right tools and mindset can empower students to thrive in their educational journeys and beyond. This section is dedicated to providing curated content from thought leaders, alumni contributors, and excerpts from inspiring works.
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The Subconscious
The human mind operates on conscious and subconscious levels. Your conscious mind is defined by things that you are currently aware of. Surprisingly, it only controls about 5 percent of our actions. Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you, and its capacity is almost unlimited.
Positive Mindset
How you view the world will largely determine your place in it and your ability to either move through your challenges, or remain stymied. If you see the glass of life as half empty, you will be greatly hindered. If you see the world as a glass half full, then you will see greater success. You have belief, one of the most powerful things on earth! Belief creates vision, resilience and ignites our power from within!
Money Management
Creating Better Habits
We don't decide our future, but we decide our habits and our habits decide our future. First, we must notice the habit we want to improve and we must have the desire to change it. Then, we must make a decision to put in the work to create new disciplines in order to make permanent changes.
De-Mystifying Investments
There are many disparities in America. One that is often overlooked is the investment knowledge disparity. Frankly, the underserved communities are exposed to limited investment education. Daymond John said "If you don't educate yourself, you'll never get out of the starting block, because you'll spend all your money-making foolish decisions.”